- Artisanal diamond miners (2017)
- Athanor & Portal (2016)
- Blue (2014)
- Blue baby (2008)
- Boy with toy gun (2010)
- Crossing - the scribe and the warden (2020)
- Deliverance (2011)
- Dragon & elephant (2008)
- Dragon & elephant II (2010)
- Ellis Island, Christmas Island, Robben Island (2017)
- Evacuee (2013)
- Ex-librīs & Turbulence (2017-2020)
- Exile Island / Bannelingseiland (2011-2016)
- Hendrikshof / Henry's court (2010)
- Imaginarium (2016)
- Mine (in Cadmium Red and Caput Mortuum) (2019)
- Oceanos (2011-)
- Onskuld en vryheid (2009)
- Puppet masters (2019)
- Puppet masters II (2018)
- Rainbow-making (2009)
- Refracting the coloured image of the sun (2009)
- Reitz Hostel: Refracting the coloured image of the sun (2008)
- Room in the Rain (2019)
- See Emily play (2013)
- Slaughter of Bangui (2016)
- Slaver's plantation on The Hudson River, Sleepy Hollow (2017)
- Solar plexis (2012-2014)
- Swarm (2017)
- Telam texere et retexere (2012)
- The Brusher's play deck (2015 - ongoing)
- The Dustbowl series (2017 - ongoing)
- The incarnation of the puti (2008)
- The island (2009)
- The Turnstone (2015-2016)
- The visionary brusher game (2016)
- Underneath the carpet of riches (2018-)
- Wielding the lantern, 36 Stockdale Street, De Beers Head Building, Kimberley (2015)
- Whisper. Springs of the Khaya with The Brusher as Riding Hood (2020)
- Whisper. Springs of the Khaya with The Brusher as Riding Hood (2020)
- Crossing - the scribe and the warden (2020)
- Mine (in Cadmium Red and Caput Mortuum) (2019)
- Room in the Rain (2019)
- Underneath the carpet of riches (2018-)
- Puppet masters (2019)
- Puppet masters II (2018)
- Ex-librīs & Turbulence (2017-2020)
- The Dustbowl series (2017 - ongoing)
- Ellis Island, Christmas Island, Robben Island (2017)
- Slaver's plantation on The Hudson River, Sleepy Hollow (2017)
- Swarm (2017)
- The visionary brusher game (2016)
- Athanor & Portal (2016)
- Imaginarium (2016)
- Slaughter of Bangui (2016)
- The Brusher's play deck (2015 - ongoing)
- The Turnstone (2015-2016)
- Wielding the lantern, 36 Stockdale Street, De Beers Head Building, Kimberley (2015)
- Blue (2014)
- Solar plexis (2012-2014)
- Spirit-cave (2013)
- Evacuee (2013)
- See Emily play (2013)
- The beach houses (2013)
- Telam texere et retexere (2012)
- Deliverance (2011)
- Exile Island / Bannelingseiland (2011-2016)
- Oceanos (2011-)
- Boy with toy gun (2010)
- Dragon & elephant II (2010)
- Hendrikshof / Henry's court (2010)
- Refracting the coloured image of the sun (2009)
- The island (2009)
- Onskuld en vryheid (2009)
- Rainbow-making (2009)
- Dragon & elephant (2008)
- Blue baby (2008)
- The incarnation of the puti (2008)
- Reitz Hostel: Refracting the coloured image of the sun (2008)
- Artisanal diamond miners (2017)
- Athanor & Portal (2016)
- Crossing - the scribe and the warden (2020)
- Ex-librīs & Turbulence (2017-2020)
- Imaginarium (2016)
- The Turnstone (2015-2016)
- Whisper. Springs of the Khaya with The Brusher as Riding Hood (2020)
- Artisanal diamond miners (2017)
- Puppet masters (2019)
- Puppet masters II (2018)
- Room in the Rain (2019)
- Swarm (2017)
- Underneath the carpet of riches (2018)
- Wielding the lantern, 36 Stockdale Street, De Beers Head Building, Kimberley (2017)
Play, serio ludere, visionary play, padia, ludology, imaginary play acts
- Solar plexis (2012-2014)
- Deliverance (2011)
- Exile Island / Bannelingseiland (2011-2016)
- Oceanos (2011-)
- Rainbow-making (2009)
- Refracting the coloured image of the sun (2009)
- Reitz Hostel: Refracting the coloured image of the sun (2008)
Analogue and digital interactivity
- See Emily play (2013)
- Exile Island/ Bannelingseiland (2011-2016)
- The island (2009)
- Refracting the coloured image of the sun (2009)
Geo-gnostic eye (natural pigments, paintboxes)
- Blue (2014)
- Telam texere et retexere (2012)
- Deliverance (2011)
- Dragon & elephant II (2010) - vermillion, anthracite
- Exile Island/ Bannelingseiland (2011-2016)
- Onskuld en vryheid (2009) - anthracite
- The island (2009) - anthracite
- The incarnation of the puti (2008) - ochres, hematite
- Dragon and elephant (2008) - sulphur, graphite (lead), vermillion
- Blue baby (2008) - lapis lazuli or lazurite
Geo-gnostic eye (transmutation, awakening)
- The island (2009)
- Hendrikshof / Henry's court (2010)
- Refracting the coloured image of the sun (2009)
- Dragon & elephant II (2010)
Chemically fabricated paints and other complex chemistries
- Oceanos (2011-)
- Dragon & elephant II (2010) - corrosive qualities of sulphur and graphite, imitation lead
- Boy with toy gun (2010)
- The island (2009) - lucifern cold green (phosphor)
- Onskuld en vryheid (2009) - neon
- Blue baby (2008) - lapis lazuli
Performance, conceptual photography and photo montage
- Slaughter of Bangui (2016)
- Blue (2014)
- Spirit-cave (2013)
- Evacuee (2013)
- See Emily play (2013)
- The beach houses (2013)
- Hendrikshof / Henry's court (2010)
- Reitz Hostel: Refracting the coloured image of the sun (2008)
Myths, poems & narratives
- Blue (2014)
- See Emily play (2013)
- Telam texere et retexere (2012)
- Exile Island / Bannelingseiland (2011-2016)
- Deliverance (2011)
- Dragon & elephant II (2010)
- Onskuld en vryheid (2009) - neon
- Dragon and elephant (2008)
- Blue baby (2008)
- The incarnation of the puti (2008) - ochres, hematite
- Refracting the coloured image of the sun (2009)
- The island (2009)
- Reitz Hostel: Refracting the coloured image of the sun (2008)
- Refracting the coloured image of the sun (2009)
- Dragon and elephant (2008)
- Dragon & elephant II (2010)
- The island (2009)